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NÅR VI DØDE VÅGNER [ When We Dead Awaken ]

Henrik Ibsen



Freud | Lou Andréas Salomé | Nitzsche

“Jamais conheci homens, cuja sinceridade, integridade, virilidade ou bondade não fizessem reviver em mim a imagem de meus irmãos.”

Surely, a friend loves a friend the way That I love you, enigmatic life

Whether I rejoiced or wept with you, Whether you gave me joy or pain.

I love you with all your harms; And if you must destroy me,

wrest myself from your arms, As a friend tears himself away from a friend’s breast.

I embrace you with all my strength! Let all your flames ignite me,

Let me in the ardor of the struggle Probe your enigma ever deeper.

To live and think millennia! Enclose me now in both your arms:

If you have no more joy to give me

Well then: there still remains your pain.”

Hymn to Life-1881, Lou Andreas Salomé


| co-production [part 1] with: Akroama · Teatro Stabile di Innovazione e Ricerca della Sardegna · Caglíari | Itália

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